
Abbey Hulton Primary School

Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.

Year 3


Class teacher: Miss Wright

Teaching Assistant:  Mrs Akhtar

Support Staff: Miss Richardson


Hello and welcome! In Year 3 we work to shape your children into the adults they will become by giving them all the knowledge and skills expected for their age. Year 3 is an important time of year as children begin to settle into Key Stage 2 and we do this in a caring, nurturing manner whilst encouraging them to become resilient, enthusiastic and independent learners, who show integrity, tenacity and pride.



Teaching and learning in Mathematics follows the National Curriculum, which teaches the following main areas: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measure and statistics. Where possible, links have been made across the Mathematics curriculum to provide children with as many opportunities as possible to apply their knowledge and understanding.



English lessons are planned and delivered around a variety of texts. In addition to the work we do in reading and writing, there is an increased focus on vocabulary and phonics to support those children who need additional intervention. 

Please support your child by encouraging them to read at home and to practise their spellings. Spellings practised weekly and are tested on Thursdays.


Texts Covered


  • Stone Age Boy
  • Escape From Pompeii



  • The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark
  • Hansel and Gretel 


  • George’s Marvellous Medicine



We encourage children to read every day at home. We expect the children to read at least 3 times a week at home and they must bring their reading book and diary in to school every day! They receive reading miles for doing so and could win the reading miles prize at the end of the year. We complete reading lessons every day and use this time to explore the class text as well as lots of different text types. Here we develop our understanding of comprehension and language whilst fostering a love of reading.


Throughout the year we will be covering many fun and exciting topics following the new curriculum.



  • Science – Animals including humans, rocks and soil
  • History – Would you rather live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age, or Iron Age?
  • Geography – Why do people live near volcanoes? 
  • RE – What is it like for someone to follow God? What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?
  • PSHE –  Family and relationships, health and wellbeing
  • Music – Let your Spirit Fly, Glockenspiel Stage 1
  • French – Geography – francophone countries -French language/language learning, Learn about ways of travelling to the country / countries
  • P.E – Fundamentals and Fitness, Yoga and Gymnastics
  • Computing – Coding, Touch Typing
  • Art – Cave painting 
  • DT – Pneumatic toys



  • Science – Forces and magnets, lights and shadows
  • History – Why did the Romans settle in Britain? 
  • Geography – Who lives in Antarctica?
  • RE – What kind of world did Jesus want? How do festivals and worship show what matters to Muslims?
  • PSHE – Safety and the changing body, citizenship 
  • Music – Three Little Birds, The Dragon Song
  • French – Greetings and Introductions and Classroom instructions
  • P.E – Dodgeball and Ball Skills, Dance and Tennis
  • Computing – Email, Simulations
  • Art – Growing artists 
  • DT – Electric poster



  • Science – Plant reproduction
  • History – What did the Ancient Egyptians believe? 
  • Geography – Local history
  • RE – How and why do people mark significant events of life? For Christians what was the impact of Pentecost?
  • PSHE – Citizenship, economic wellbeing 
  • Music – Brining us together, Reflect, rewind replay
  • French – Benefits of learning another language, Numbers to 10.
  • P.E – Basketball and Cricket, Fitness and Athletics
  • Computing – PowerPoint, Spreadsheets
  • Art – Illustrations and Animations


Things To Remember

PE – PE will be Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. PE kit must be a plain white polo top and plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms.

Reading – Reading books and diaries must be in each day. Please try and read at least three times a week.

Homework– Each week children will be sent home Maths and English homework on a Monday which needs to be given back in by the following Monday. If it is not completed then they will stay in at play time to complete it. Children are also expected to do 20 minutes of  TT Rockstars per week to practice their times tables. 
