Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.
Attendance during one school year | Equals days absent | Equal weeks absent |
95% | 9 Days | 2 Weeks |
90% | 19 Days | 4 Weeks |
85% | 29 Days | 6 Weeks |
80% | 38 Days | 8 Weeks |
75% | 48 Days | 10 Weeks |
What will happen if my child is referred to Education Welfare?
· You will receive a ‘Notice to Improve’ letter. This includes a 20-school day time frame monitoring period. 100% attendance is expected during this time. Any absences will need to be supported by medical evidence or authorised by the school’s sickness policy. You are at risk of a £160 (£80 if paid within 21 days), per child, per parent, if there have been 10 unauthorised absences within a 10-week timeframe
· Further referrals to Education Welfare for continued unauthorised absences after this, will ensure that an Education Welfare Officer is allocated to your family. They will help to support you in getting your child into school, every day.
· Further absences (10 unauthorised sessions within a 10-week timeframe and within a 3-year period to the first fine) could lead to a £160, per child, per parent (no option of reduction)
· Further absences will be presented at Magistrates Court with possible fines of £2500, per child, per parent. If prosecuted, this will appear on your DBS check as ‘Wilful Neglect of a Child's Education'.