
Abbey Hulton Primary School

Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.

Governor Profiles

Mr M Bogg – Chair of Governors

When I first heard about school governors, I admired and respected the role as it would help influence the futures of our young people. It was 16 years ago that I was invited to put my name forward as a Parent Governor at Abbey Hulton Primary as my youngest daughter was a pupil here. All my four children have been pupils at this school over a period of years. When my daughter left Abbey Hulton Primary to go to Mitchell High School I resigned my position as Parent Governor. I then became a Parent Governor at Mitchell and went on to become Vice Chair of Governors until the school converted to The Discovery Academy. I then returned to Abbey Hulton in December 2011 as a Local Authority Governor and am now Chair of Governors. As a school Governor it is important to understand the needs of the children and also the staff. We also help to keep the school focused in a positive direction.


Nick Carter-Vice Chair

In August 2018, I retired after working as a Science teacher for 36 years at an Independent School in Newcastle-under-Lyme. During my time at the school I had a wide range of responsibilities with the main focus being pastoral care. As Head of Year 7 I was responsible for organising transfer from a range of Primary Schools into Year 7. I have been Contingent Commander of the Combined Cadet Force at the School since 2003 and I continue to undertake this role in my retirement.

In my retirement I wanted to become involved in a Primary School so that I could use my many years in education for the benefit of a School Community. As a teacher in my liaison visits to Primary Schools I realised that it is at these Schools that the foundations of a great education are laid. Such an education will assist pupils to achieve their full potential in life. Consequently, I became a Governor at Abbey Hulton Primary School in 2017. Since retiring, I have volunteered at the School assisting with Science teaching in Year 5 and 6. This has enabled me to help introduce pupils to the wonders of the Scientific world.

In 2019 I was appointed a Trustee at the Orchard Community Trust of which Abbey Hulton Primary School is one of the member Schools. My retirement has enabled me to rekindle a lifelong interest in railways aided by my Senior Citizen’s railcard!

Mr Ian Gibson 

My entire working career has been in the Health Sector, initially working in a Learning Disabilities Hospital and then moving into the commissioning of Primary Care Services (mainly General Practice and Dentistry) before moving into my current job 4 years ago where I am now at the `coalface’ in managing a Company that provides General Practice in the Longton and Meir areas of Stoke-on-Trent. I have always had a passion for the services that are provided to the public being safe and of a high quality and my current job gives me the ability to really influence that. We are a Community Interest Company that is managed by a Board of Directors so this – and my previous roles in commissioning Primary Care – means that I have an excellent understanding of Governance and the role of a Board and its Directors.I have always been interested in the education sector and all my experiences above meant that I felt I could fulfil a role as a School Governor and hopefully contribute to a safe, high quality service in a school. From my day-to-day work in General Practice, I can acutely see that improving the lives of young children is of massive importance, which is why I felt I could have most influence in a Primary School setting, so I was very pleased when I was accepted as a Governor at Abbey Hulton Primary School. From first coming to the school, I felt it had a lovely `feel’ about it and that teachers had a real commitment to improving the lives and education of the young children. Long may that continue.




Guy Lawton

My name is Guy Lawton and I am a Parent Governor at Abbey Hulton Primary School. My wife and I are foster carers with Stoke on Trent City Council and three of our looked after children have been pupils at the school. My granddaughter and grandson are also current pupils at the school.


My hobbies include football, and I am a season ticket holder at Port Vale and follow them to home and away matches when work allows. I also enjoy cycling along the many local routes as well as walking and generally been outside enjoying our many open spaces.


I work for a local pottery company, Emma Bridgewater, at their distribution centre and have worked in the pottery industry in various roles for much of my working life, something that I am proud of as it is our heritage and history, which means a great deal to me having been born and raised locally.



Ian Gibson

Hello all,

I started my NHS career as a Domestic Assistant at a Learning Disabilities Hospital (cleaning toilets!) so I feel I have started from the bottom and done a range of jobs. I have worked as either a Commissioner or Provider of Primary Care in Northern Staffordshire for nearly 20 years and am absolutely committed to high quality General Practice in the area that I’ve been brought up and live in. I am particularly interested in the ongoing evolution of General Practice and how other services can be integrated into how Primary Care is delivered so that not everything is down to the General Practice to do. This includes Voluntary Sector organisations which are a particular interest of mine. I am also interested in how the use of IT technology and social media can be better utilised in how services are delivered and make service delivery more efficient.

In November 2017 I took on the post of Associate Director of Operational Services for North Staffordshire GP Federation and work with our Board and member Practices to continue to develop the Federation so that it supports the member practices, grows the provision of its services to support Primary Care and is the voice that enables Primary Care to shape how other services work with us in Primary Care for the benefit of our patients.


I have always had an interest in education and services for children and have been a Governor at Abbey Hulton Primary School for over 5 years.  With working full-time I am not always as visible in the school as I would like to be but hopefully my contributions ‘in the background’ help the Head Teacher and the rest of the team to make the school the best it can be for the children who go there.  I have enjoyed being able to give a health perspective to the school during this very challenging period due to Covid-19 and will continue to work with the other Governors to ensure Abbey Hulton Primary School is a school we can all be proud of.


Rebecca Fawcus

I joined the Governing Body in September 2021as a Co-opted Governor. I have been a key stage one teacher for the last ten years in a local Stoke on Trent school, in which I was the key stage one lead as well as phonics lead. I am now a phonics consultant trainer for Read, Write, Incs phonics, I therefore support the Local Governing Board by bringing my knowledge of the curriculum and passion for early reading.


As a relatively new governor, I am eager to gain more insight into the ways in which I can support Abbey Hulton and contribute to them becoming an Ofsted judged Good / Outstanding school. I have already enjoyed the oversight of school that being a governor provides and feel that I can contribute, in a positive way, to key decisions and discussions. I also feel that the professional development I get from being part of the Governing Body is invaluable. It is evident that the Governing Body (and staff as a whole) at Abbey Hulton Primary School want what is best for their children, therefore I am honoured that I have the opportunity to use the experience and skills gained in my job to play my role in the governing body at Abbey Hulton Primary School.


Jodie Walker

I am very proud and grateful to have been elected to become a staff governor at Abbey Hulton Primary School. As a Learning Support Practitioner and a parent to three children, I believe that I have a good all-round understanding of potential social, emotional, and behavioural challenges and how to overcome them. With a creative approach, I aim to contribute to the pupils’

emotional, social, moral, and academic development on a journey to become life-long learners with a high level of self-worth. It is important to me that the pupils are provided with a safe and inclusive education. I am due to start a Masters degree in Education, which, I believe, will be beneficial to my development as part of the governing body.




