Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.
"Abbey Hulton Primary School continues to be a 'Good' school."
"This caring school has high aspirations for all it's pupils. Pupils know that staff value them and expect them to do well. This helps them to be positive and feel happy. As a result, the children enjoy coming to school and work hard in lessons."
"Pupils are enthusiastic and behave well in school. This helps them to learn the curriculum. Pupils are polite and friendly."
"The school's curriculum is ambitious and broad."
"Early Reading is taught well. Pupils benefit from regular and expert phonics teaching."
"Pupils enjoy learning Mathematics. Staff are confident in teaching the curriculum, including in the early years."
"Pupils with SEND achieve well from their various starting points. Staff identify their needs early. Effective teaching, support and care from well trained staff help nearly all of them learn the same curriculum as other pupils."
"Pupils behave well in this school. Staff insist on high standards of behaviour from the early years onwards. They establish consistent routines in lessons. This helps pupils to concentrate and have positive attitudes. "
"Relationships in the school are respectful. The ambition that staff have for pupils is palpable."
"The school provides effectively for pupil's broader development. A programme of assemblies and lessons, including on career opportunities, helps to raise aspirations and keeps pupils healthy and safe."
"Alongside the trust, the school gives all pupils ample opportunities to discover the wider world as well as to develop their interests and talents. The school's work to enhance pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is of high quality."
"The school is led and managed well. Leaders take care to support staff and manage their workload. Staff are proud of working at the school. Governors, trustees and executive leaders know the school in detail. They challenge the school effectively and use management information about the school to ensure that it improves performance and that statutory requirements are met."
"The school has positive relationships with parents and carers, who usually recommend the school to others."
"The arrangements for safeguarding are effective."