
Abbey Hulton Primary School

Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.



Class teacher: Mrs M. Dickinson and Mrs M. Brookfield   

Senior Early Years Practitioner: Mrs V. Holmes

Early Years Apprentice: Miss E. Smith



A very warm welcome to our Nursery Class.

As your children start their journey with us at Abbey Hulton Primary School we aim to ensure that your children settle quickly and are happy and eager to learn.


Nursery is the start of our Foundation Stage, we work closely alongside our friends in Reception and all children are at the heart of what we do.


Adults working within nursery work together closely as a team to ensure that the very best outcomes for your child are met. We strive to always offer a provision that is nurturing and led by the development of the children. We aim to provide exciting activities that engage your children and promote a desire to learn. We want your children to be curious and motivated explorers learning through independence and resilience.

Please keep up to date with our learning in Nursery by joining our Class Dojo. Here you can find regular communication with the class teacher and see pictures of our wonderful learning experiences. There is also a newsletter posted each week to keep you up to date with your child’s learning. 

Our Curriculum

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework which sets the standards which schools and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5. Please follow the link above for more information.

We focus primarily on 3 prime areas of learning that  support children’s development as they grow and learn.

The three prime areas of learning are;

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Throughout the year we will be covering many fun and exciting topics to help explore and consolidate learning, following the Early Years Statutory Framework.


Autumn 1

Nursery Rhymes

Autumn 2

Sparkle and Shine

Spring 1

Once upon a time

Spring 2


Summer 1

Animal Life in the Big Wide World

Summer 2

Everything's Growing


 Our learning in nursery is based on the belief that young children learn best in context and through play and hands on activities. Our activities are carefully planned to offer opportunities to talk, use fine and gross motor skills, notice similarities and differences, make patterns and notice quantities and numbers. Children in nursery are encouraged to learn through a holistic approach covering all areas of learning.

In addition to this children experience daily small group teaching in the specific areas of communication and language and maths.


In Nursery we use ‘Master the Curriculum’ to support mathematical development.

A main focus of our learning in maths is on securing a solid understanding of number and numerical patterns.

We match and sort, we compare amounts, we learn about the composition of numbers and how to represent these in different ways.

We explore shapes and patterns and use our learning in creative ways across all areas of the curriculum.  

Communication and language/ Phonics and Early Reading skills

It is crucial for children to develop a life-long love of reading and we foster and promote this within nursery. Sharing nursery rhymes, songs and finger rhymes is an integral part of your child’s early reading journey. In fact, research suggests that...


'Children’s early literacy skills are about oral mastery, rather than reading and writing, and research has shown that children who know 8 nursery rhymes off by heart at age 4, are amongst the best at spelling and reading by Year 3.'


Our school follows the phonics scheme Little Wandle, in nursery we compliment our language sessions with Little Wandle Foundations for phonics. Children learn to listen to sounds in the environment, use their body to make sounds, play with sounds and hear sounds in words, setting the foundations for more formal learning in Reception. 



Things to Remember

Bee Active Sessions are on a Thursday. – Please ensure that any jewellery including earrings are removed on this day. Staff are not permitted to remove earrings.

Reading – Children’s book bags will come home on a Friday and should be returned to school the following Thursday ready for changing in school.

Uniform– Please come to school in your school uniform every day and ensure you’re your child has a suitable coat and footwear as much of nursery’s learning takes place outside.


