Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.
Our Vision and Values communicate our high expectations to all stakeholders. We all work together to ensure our vision and values are at the heart of everything we do. Our nurturing and supportive approach ensures that children leave us as confident and respectful citizens, ready with the skills, knowledge and resilience for the next stage of their education.
Our school is a happy, safe and inclusive place of learning where all children thrive. Through our school community learning together and working together, everyone is proud to attend every day, show integrity and develop tenacity. We all aspire to be the best we can be to achieve our full potential.
Mission Statement:
Working together to ensure pupils attend and teachers can teach.
Deepening understanding, through careful curriculum sequencing, consistent approaches and frequent repetition, to enable all children to learn, grow and achieve.
Governors, staff and pupils all contributed to the development of our new school motto. We all thought of the words that we wanted to be included in our motto and then we worked together to choose three powerful words that summarised our ambition and purpose: