
Abbey Hulton Primary School

Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.

Year 2



Class teacher: Miss Walker

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Pratt

Learning Support Practitioner: Mrs Baddeley


Hello and welcome! In Year 2, we work extremely hard to ensure that children leave Abbey Hulton Primary School having achieved the best they can in all areas. We encourage children to become resilient, enthusiastic and independent learners, who show integrity, tenacity and pride.



Teaching and learning in maths follows the National Curriculum, which teaches the following main areas: number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, shape, space and measurement. Where possible, links have been made across the Maths curriculum to provide children with as many opportunities as possible to apply their knowledge and understanding.



English lessons are planned and delivered around a variety of differentiated texts. In addition to our work in reading and writing, there is an increased focus on phonics throughout Year 2. We aim to weave phonics and reading into every aspect of the curriculum to support children to deepen their knowledge and understanding. Children are also provided with the opportunity to apply their phonics in all aspects of the curriculum.

Please support your child by encouraging them to read at home every night and practice their phonics. 



Texts being covered


  • The Gingerbread Man
  • Jack and the Beanstalk



  • The Disgusting Sandwich
  • The Magic Sweetshop



  • Samson's Titanic Adventure
  • The Enormous Crocodile



We expect the children to read at least 3 times a week at home and they must bring their reading book and diary in to school every day! They receive reading miles for doing so and could win the reading miles prize at the end of the year. We complete reading lessons every day and use this time to explore the class text as well as lots of different text types. Here we develop our understanding of comprehension and language whilst fostering a love of reading.  


Children also participate in Reading Squads for half an hour daily. During these sessions children have children have the opportunity to read with an adult in a small group. We use our pirate characters to cover "Define", "Retrieve", "Inference", "Sequence" and "Predict". Our Reading Squad model follows Little Wandle's daily reading sequence covering decoding, prosody and comprehension throughout the week showing fidelity to our phonic scheme. 


Throughout the year we will be covering many fun and exciting topics following the new curriculum.



  • Science – Plants 
  • History – How was school different in the past?
  • Geography– Let's Explore the World
  • RE – Who do Christians believe made the world? What is the "good news" Christians believe Jesus brings?
  • PSHE – How can we help? How can we be healthy?
  • Art – Mix it up! Still life. 
  • DT – Remarkable recipes 
  • Music – Hands, Feet, Heart, HO HO HO
  • Computing – Coding, emails
  • PE -Fundamental skills, Fitness



Things To Remember

PE – PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. PE kit must be a plain white polo shirt and plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings. School jumpers/cardigans can be used. Sensible black trainers/pumps are also needed.

Reading – Reading books and diaries must be in school each day.

Homework– Children will receive homework on a Monday, this is to be completed and returned on Friday. Children will receive Maths homework based on their current topic in class, handwriting practice and spellings. 
