Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.
Religious Education
Subject Lead: Mrs M Dickinson
‘Differences were meant not to divide but to enrich.’
-J.H. Oldham
Abbey Hulton Primary School is committed to providing a well planned Religious Education Curriculum from EYFS through to year 6. The teaching of Religious Education aims to provoke develop and deepen pupils knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Our Religious Education curriculum is designed to educate children about a variety of different faiths (Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism) and non-religious views such as Humanism. Religious Education lessons are structured to challenge children’s thinking whilst giving them the opportunity to explore different faiths and beliefs; they will begin to understand that their world-view is one of many.
At Abbey Hulton Primary, we follow the Stoke Agreed Religious Education Syllabus and the 'Understanding Christianity' scheme of work, supporting creativity, discussion and understanding. From EYFS to Year 6, children are given the opportunities to explore these religions and themes in weekly lessons.
At Abbey Hulton Primary School we believe that good RE teaching and learning happens when:
Our intention is that when children leave Abbey Hulton Primary School, they will be knowledgeable and respectful citizens who celebrate and tolerate diversity across all faiths.
EYFS – Both Nursery and Reception classes follow our local authority syllabus for 2021-26 and Understanding Christianity scheme of work. Within nursery this is a cross curricular approach and is closely linked to their developing awareness of their world around them. Children will have opportunities to develop a positive sense of self and spiritual awareness alongside a growing respect and tolerance for others.
Children in our Reception class will similarly continue to develop confidence and independence through a positive self image; whilst also have the opportunities to explore key learning outlined in the local authority syllabus for 2021-26.
KS1-2 From Year 1 to Year 6 we follow our local authority syllabus and Understanding Christianity scheme of work. RE is taught weekly, predominantly by the class teacher to ensure quality first teaching.
Throughout the year we celebrate various events in the RE calendar such as Interfaith Week and the NATRE Spirited Arts competition. Within our long term plan, each class celebrates designated faith dates which match their curriculum content throughout the year ensuring children are being exposed to a multisensory curriculum with lots of opportunities to deepen their knowledge and understanding.
By the time our children leave our school they will: