
Abbey Hulton Primary School

Integrity. Tenacity. Pride.


Religious Education

Subject Lead: Mrs Heming


‘Differences were meant not to divide but to enrich.’

-J.H. Oldham


Our RE curriculum is constructed to educate children about a variety of faiths (Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism) and non-religious views. RE lessons are structured to challenge children’s thinking and giving them the opportunity to explore different faiths and beliefs. Our long term plan is structured to cover faith celebrations related to coverage in each class and significant events in RE as a subject throughout the year.  From EYFS to Year 6, children are given the opportunities to explore these religions and themes in weekly lessons.


At Abbey Hulton Primary School we believe that good RE teaching and learning happens when:

  • Children are engaged, excited and involved.
  • Children can explore faiths and beliefs freely
  • Children feel confident to ask questions
  • Children feel inspired to find out more
  • Children confidently use vocabulary linked to their unit of study
  • Teachers are confident about what they are teaching and have high expectations of all children
  • Children talk, ask questions, share ideas, explain.


Our intention is that when children leave Abbey Hulton Primary School, they will have the knowledge to be respectful to other faiths and religious, explore these and celebrate and tolerate diversity within religious education. Our curriculum is constructed to educate children about a variety of faiths (Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism) and non-religious views.


EYFS – RE is taught weekly during carpet time sessions. Children also have the opportunity to explore RE via continuous provision areas in the classroom. Both Nursery and Reception classes follow our local authority syllabus for 2021-26 and Understanding Christianity scheme of work.


KS1-2 From Year 1 to Year 6 we follow our local authority syllabus and Understanding Christianity scheme of work. RE is taught weekly, predominantly by the class teacher to ensure quality first teaching.


Throughout the year we celebrate various events in the RE calendar such as Interfaith Week and the NATRE Spirited Arts competition. Within our long term plan, each class has designated faith dates to celebrate which match their curriculum content throughout the year to ensure children are being exposed to a multisensory curriculum with lots of opportunity to deepen their knowledge within their designated faith.



By the time our children leave our school they will:

  • be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society
  • appreciate difference and diversity
  • recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty
  • be able to understand and celebrate other faiths and beliefs
  • consider what their beliefs may be either religious or non-religious
  • feel safe to explore and ask questions
  • to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions
  • have respect for others and their beliefs